I’m on a mission to provide accessible resources to A/E/C marketing professionals.
Let’s start writing better proposals
Let’s ditch boilerplate narratives and stop cutting and pasting old proposals into new ones. Stop settling for “good enough” because we’re on a tight deadline. Quit wondering if we’re missing something because this proposal just isn’t “clicking.”
Let’s start writing good proposals. Winning proposals. Proposals that we are proud to send out the door, confident that they’ll lead to an award. Let’s organize our resources, polish our templates, rally our teams, refine our strategy and write the best darn proposals we can.
Why are there so few easily accessible resources
for marketers in the building industry?
I started asking this question a long time ago, and I have yet to answer it.
So now I’m solving the problem, helping my fellow marketers to improve the way they
strategize, write, and design by providing a suite of educational resources
specifically for A/E/C proposals.

As a new marketing coordinator working for a small architecture firm, I often combed the Internet looking for tips and guidance on how to write better proposals. I knew a good proposal started with understanding the client, and that graphic design was important but beyond that, I felt lost.
Training sessions, conferences, and even associations for marketers were out of my budget. I couldn’t justify spending thousands on training when we were “doing just fine” and bringing in a reasonable amount of work.
But I knew we could do better.
As I searched, it felt like resources for marketers in architecture, engineering, and construction were coveted secrets only available to those willing to spend thousands on faraway conferences. I was starting to suspect that what I needed, affordable resources for improving my proposals, didn’t exist.
Well, they do now.
What I have now, that I didn’t have then, is nearly a decade of proposal writing and marketing experience from working with some of the biggest names in the game, as well as small firms in niche markets. I’ve tried and tested techniques for years, refining the skills I’ve carefully coveted myself.
Client needs have evolved. The procurement process has evolved.
Shouldn’t your marketing efforts?
If you’re looking for tried and true proposal writing and marketing tips, you’re in the right place.
Say goodbye to junk emails that don’t “get” where you are and what you’re trying to accomplish. Never fear downloading a dud resource again. Stick with me, and you’ll find an insatiable desire to win, real strategies and all the tools you need to bring in more work.